In the multitude of little daily things to do, in the chaos of thoughts that fill and sometimes confuse the mind, among the smiles of friends, the thousand daily worries, between chats with loved ones, fears for the future, hugs of special souls, old feelings that make themselves felt, dreams for the future, memories of…
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Stomach Pain... in Drawing

I thought I’d follow up on the last post,with a little idea on how to start getting in touch – not just with the mind, but with emotions and sensations – with stomach discomfort. Draw your stomach …. white paper and colors, pencil, felt, wax, whatever you want. The drawings can be abstract or more…
Physical Pain: Let's explore it from within

Here I am with a practical tip that aims to start seeing and get in touch with physical pain in a way that is probably very different from what you are used to. Very often when we have back pain, stomach pain, neck pain, or any other physical pain, we are frustrated, a little angry…
Giving meaning... Changes Life!

We do many things during the day, we say many words, we live many situations. But what does makes those things truly SPECIAL and what makes them OURS ! What gives them VALUE? The meaning we give, that silent message that accompanies our actions, our thoughts, the thread that leads our day, and our life…

Dear You, who is taking time to read … This post was born from a moment of difficulty, like a drive to share what from inside my heart, soul, being, body pushes to go out. It is the recognition that life is sometimes hard, indeed very hard, it brings us experiences that we would never…
Sometimes It Is Great to Say "No"

it is nice to be “good” and help when you can; this is an absolutely wonderful and fundamental thing for the human being. 🙏 KNOWING THAT WE ARE NOT ALONE, and THERE IS SOMEONE WE CAN RELY ON 🙏 However, I think that the line between helping and becoming responsible for others is thin. Have…
Why We Remain Stuck in The Same Situations?

This title may seem strange, what I mean by this post has to do with the fact that even if we know a few things about the reasons or how our problems manifest, we can’t change them, but we continue to stagnate inside of the same patterns. I give a couple of examples: 🔵 I…
No coffee, no energy?

Do you ever wake up tired, without energy, maybe even with bit of a bad mood do you need one (or more coffees) to get started? and then evening comes, after when all the work, family and home chores are over and SBAM your energy rises and you can do a thousand other things? well,…
Darkness and Light

Most of us fear the darkness, that feeling of being lost with nowhere to go; the feeling of falling down in a neverending black hole, a hole that sucks us up and will never let us go… We fear the dark side of our Inner Self, we are afraid of opening the door and stepping…
A Meta Point Of View For Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a condition that is becoming more and more common, and unfortuately is bringd with it lots of discomfort and pain. I would like to briefly describe Fibromyalgia from the conventional point of view, and then see how META-Health can help us to understand WHY the body is re-acting with those specific symptoms. Conventional…