I will welcome and listen to you, I will hold you, guide you and follow you on your path towards Well-Being, helping you to find your inner strengths. The path we will walk together will allow you to rediscover your physical, mental and emotional well-being, to rediscover your power and light. It will help you let go of what you no longer need, be centered in your true self and be your own guide.
Sessions will address emotional, physical, mental and spiritual issues, supporting your evolution and multi-dimensional Well-Being.
Degree in Biological Sciences
PhD in Cellular Biology
Meta-Health Coach at the International Meta-Health Association IMMA
Advanced Level EFT Practitioner and trainer at the EFTi / AAMET International Association
Reiki, Matrix Reimprinting, Advanced Kinesiology, Mindfulness (also for children) practitioner.
People meet – Souls recognize each other. Namaste.