Every times my heart breaks it opens a bit, every time I am filled with pain and sadness, and decide to be with it, to stay with it and feel it, my heart opens and my love grows…. I once believed that the journey of “awakening” and self-awareness would be one of total bliss and…
Categoria: New Ideas
Helping Children Feel Their Emotions

As human being we are a beautiful (yet complex!!!) mixture of what goes on in our mind, body, heart and sometimes we all get very much “in our heads”. It is at times pretty difficult for us adults cope with all these energies, and even more for children who haven’t yet learned coping mechanisms. So…
How What We Believe (Not Just Say) Influences The Development Of Children.

Sometimes as adults, parents, teacher, people we are not aware of how much our thoughts influence the children with whom we interact. A recent studies has shown how much our believes can affect young developing human beings. In a school, the IQ of a large classroom was measured and the children were divided into 2…
The Main Inner Conflicts We Can Be Experiencing

I would like to share with you a simple scheme that will help you understand bit more your health condition. From the META point of view each symptom (or sign) has a specific meaning. It is our body that is re-acting to stimuli or triggers. We can divide issues into 4 main groups, linked to…
Magic Time with Your Child

Children need connection, children need to feel accepted, cared for, they need to feel they are important and special. We are often so busy we don’t have that much time to be with our children, and sometimes, even when we are physically present, we are not fully present (we are thinking of what to cook…
Journey of a Single Mum

None ever chooses to be a single parent …. when we make the choice of entering the wonderful yet unknown journey of being a parent, we have our heart full of hopes and ideas of a family, of creating a loving environment where to share together the beauty (and the challenges) of raising a child…