Every Time My Heart Breaks, It Opens A Little Bit

Every Time My Heart Breaks, It Opens A Little Bit

Every times my heart breaks it opens a bit, every time I am filled with pain and sadness, and decide to be with it, to stay with it and feel it, my heart opens and my love grows….

I once believed that the journey of “awakening” and self-awareness would be one of total bliss and joy …. Yes… in a way, I still believe it to be true … and the only way to be able to feel that joy, that bliss and that love is to have an open heart …

How does one do that? How do we open our hearts?

By letting go … by not holding on to our self-imposed barriers of protection, by letting go of the thought we have of our self of having to pretend to be who we are not … We are strong by showing and being with our vulnerability.

By opening up, to the pain and suffering that we carry deep within us, we learn to open our heart to receive and to truly give and BE …

I can see it in the “small” bits in my life … whenever I am facilitating clients, and help them see their pain, and know that the only way for them is to go through it … I can’t take their pain away, it is theirs to feel and live … my heart can feel that suffering, yet I chose to let it be, to be there with them, to love them, knowing that their Soul is holding them in their pain, knowing that the only way for them to be free of that suffering, is to go through it.

Every time I see my son crying, and would like to avoid his suffering … I chose not to fill his void, not to give into his human needs, I chose to let him go through his small yet big challenges, so that he can find the strength within… Every time I see his sadness in his eyes, my heart breaks down a bit … Every time I see beyond his physical body, and I see the old wounds he carries, my heart aches. If I chose to go deeper, to go underneath that broken heart, what I find is a deeper, truer love for him. It is a love that empowers, not a love that “fixes” things.

The only way I can truly help, is to love him, in his anger, in his boredom, in his frustration, in his pain, …. To go beneath the pain and hurt I feel, and to find deeper love…

Every time our heart breaks, it opens to a deeper Love …