

META-Health allows us to decode our health problems and to understand their causes. It starts from the “symptom” and then finds its origin at the root. META-Health sees every discomfort as a message from the body: we need to understand what is causing our body to react in that way. With this philosophy and methodology each of us becomes responsible for our own well-being. When we understand what is the situation that creates dis-ease, the thought or emotion that is related to our problem, we acquire awareness. Then we can think about what to do about it, how to change, what to change, and see the bigger picture from a very different and more positive point of view.

META-Health helps us to find the reason, the cause of the dis-ease within us, it gives us the link between the external factor (situation, event, person, relationship) and the internal reaction (thought, emotion, body reaction, which can bring physical manifestation as well). In this way we become responsible for our own well-being. META-Health (META from the Greek “beyond”) refers to physical, mental and emotional well-being, along with personal evolution. Once the root cause has been identified, it is possible to release/transform in with the most appropriate techniques.

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